Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Things that I dislike...

Things that I dislike:

#1 The suggestion that a vegetarian diet is unhealthy.

I am not vegetarian actually no. But due to the fact I am not stupid, ignorant or macho-istic - I can in fact see the benefit of a vegetarian diet.

Don't eat flesh from an animal which has lead a malnourished poor conditioned life, pumped up with hormones and all kinds of other crap and then tell me that a diet without meat is unhealthy. Don't make any suggestion of it being 'wimpy' either... If you're a big man who needs his meat to function, and the idea of cavemen 'ug ugging' and carrying their girlfriends around by the hair appeals to you.... all this really tells me is that you're actually quite insecure.

Oh and another thing... I feel so constantly irritated by these people that say... Oh I've got a vegetarian coming round for dinner. What on earth will I make them? Erm... well what if you had a person coming round who didn't like tomatoes, or were allergic to nuts.... exactly how would it be anymore different? I've noticed that only former vegetarians say that every vegetarian meal has to involve cheese, or that they ate the same meals every day for a year.... Seriously, what planet do these people live on?

What planet do the majority of English restaurant owners live on? Why can't they think of anything more imaginative than vegetable lasagne or mushroom stroganoff?
I mean surely it's no different than requesting to opt out of sweetcorn, or onions etc...? Make the thing from scratch. Don't include the meat. Substitute with stock, or something else to bulk the meal out wherever necessary??? What on earth is the big deal???

Lots of love,

Non vegetarian.

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