Google have officially lost the plot.... I just attempted to search for "do bee eaters migrate" and must have finger-slipped, looked up at the screen and thought my eyes had gone momentarily crazy.
Search on google for "do a barrel roll" and see for yourself.
do a barrel roll - Google Search:
'via Blog this'
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Thursday, 8 December 2011
HTML and CSS Table Border Style Wizard
HTML and CSS Table Border Style Wizard:
'via Blog this'
'via Blog this'
dotted dashed and ridge. brilliant
(Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work on every browser)
How to set 100% table height in html - Daily Coding - daily coding tips and tricks, C#, .NET, ASP.NET, SQL, table height 100%, html height, css
How to set 100% table height in html - Daily Coding - daily coding tips and tricks, C#, .NET, ASP.NET, SQL, table height 100%, html height, css:
'via Blog this'
'via Blog this'
A useful way of making your web page design make use of the entire screen.
basic html,
entire screen,
table height,
table width,
templates for web pages
Thursday, 17 November 2011
download music for free
Found this to be quite helpful...
intitle:"index.of" (file type)
For example if you were looking for Queens of the Stone Age mp3s:
intitle:"index.of" (mp3) sick.sick.sick
intitle:"index.of" (mp3) era.vulgaris
intitle:"index.of" (mp3) queens.of.the.stone.age
The pages you find with this should look like this:…
You will get some dodgy pages just make sure the files you download are mp3s."
'via Blog this'
Friday, 4 November 2011
Oh my word. Florence is sooo annoying. Each to their own and everything, I just don't understand why people like her so much. Okay so her voice is fine when she sticks to the lower range but anything above that is pure caterwauling.
PJ, Tori and Bjork. Now they can wail. And they sound great doing it. They sound like they're unleashing something other-worldly - strange and beautiful.
But Florence?! No, i'm sorry. I feel like my ears are going to bleed.
Also, she is extremely annoying. Have you ever heard her doing an interview?!
Now she is releasing songs entitled "What the water gave me" named after a Frida Kahlo painting... which annoys me greater still, due to the fact:
Firstly - I love that painting and...
Secondly - I happened to write a song when I was about 15 (over a decade ago) about the exact same subject, with the exact same title! I literally almost baulked when I read about it in NME. What are the odds?
Not that it particularly matters much, it's hardly as if I'm competing or anything silly like that... It's just that it seems freakishly co-incidental and I don't really like the idea of sharing similar inspirations to Florence.
Also, she has cut her hair and is trying her very best to look like that Morris lady who was a model for the pre-raphealite brotherhood. In other words, she's trying to look like a spectacularly beautiful oil painting.
Stop it now Florence! For the love of art, STOP!
frida kahlo,
what the water gave me
Monday, 10 October 2011
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Oh and....
Thought this was worth posting anyway... never could've imagined PJ Harvey and Brian Molko in the same space together...
PJ Harvey, Bjork, Tori Amos
Whilst on the theme of greatness.... felt the urge to gather these up from the web and put them all on this page.

Almost forgot this one... they all look bored all of a sudden...!
Friday, 7 October 2011
Matt Bellamy and Hilary Woods...
Matt: "Wanna breeed?"
Hilary: "Tempting... but, no."
Muse's Matt Bellamy and Hilary W
oods of JJ72 together on the same picture. There's something I never thought I would see....
It's strange to think that they toured together... back when JJ72 were still active and Muse were at their best - and not yet drowning themselves in their own 'over the top - cheese-ness'...
Matt looks like he's trying to crack onto Hilary, and Hilary is smiling politely back, but actually looks quite scared!
Friday, 9 September 2011
Coxhoe Post Office. Boycott!!!
It's bad enough that you employ miserable battle-axes that never crack a smile. But when I wake up one morning and find that a parcel I sent to Ireland a week previously has been returned back to me with no postage sticker, (which will no doubt cause me issues with ebay feedback) - then return the item to post office explaining the problem with proof of purchase and yet, somehow, apparently, I should have known that the postage would inevitably fall off because I used masking tape to seal the package and not sellotape..... Isn't it funny how you claim to have already known this, and that it was my own fault for not knowing, yet you had no qualms about taking my money and whacking postage on top of something which wouldn't stick properly???
Remember the phrase, "the customer is always right" ??? Well, I declined to repay the cost to re-send the package. Why should I give you more of my money? If losing £1.33 is more valuable to you than custom, then I'll be taking all of mine to Cornforth Post Office from now on...
Ranting online about £1.33? Yes, yes... I know... It's the principle of it though isn't it? Plus, I have no money, so I'm allowed to vent. That is, afterall, why this blog exists.
Disclaimer: In case this gets back to the person who served me... you were in fact nice and not the "battle-axe" I was referring to. You were just taking orders... (ridiculous unfair ones)
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Gluefactory |
Gluefactory |
Girl from winter jargon is set to play the first gig she's played in quite some time now. With a charming three-piece named 'club of rome'...
At the Fishtank in Durham.
The event is free.
Doors open at 8.00
The Rockinghorse rehearsal room guys will be on sound....
Rocking Horse Rehearsal Room is a new practice room / studio recently opened in Durham....
Lovely Bootlegs...: Radiohead at the Palace, Hollywood, 15.06.95
Lovely Bootlegs...: Radiohead at the Palace, Hollywood, 15.06.95
A nice radiohead bootleg can be downloaded at the link above for free.....
15th June 1995,
the palace
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Things that I dislike...
Things that I dislike:
#1 The suggestion that a vegetarian diet is unhealthy.
I am not vegetarian actually no. But due to the fact I am not stupid, ignorant or macho-istic - I can in fact see the benefit of a vegetarian diet.
Don't eat flesh from an animal which has lead a malnourished poor conditioned life, pumped up with hormones and all kinds of other crap and then tell me that a diet without meat is unhealthy. Don't make any suggestion of it being 'wimpy' either... If you're a big man who needs his meat to function, and the idea of cavemen 'ug ugging' and carrying their girlfriends around by the hair appeals to you.... all this really tells me is that you're actually quite insecure.
Oh and another thing... I feel so constantly irritated by these people that say... Oh I've got a vegetarian coming round for dinner. What on earth will I make them? Erm... well what if you had a person coming round who didn't like tomatoes, or were allergic to nuts.... exactly how would it be anymore different? I've noticed that only former vegetarians say that every vegetarian meal has to involve cheese, or that they ate the same meals every day for a year.... Seriously, what planet do these people live on?
What planet do the majority of English restaurant owners live on? Why can't they think of anything more imaginative than vegetable lasagne or mushroom stroganoff?
I mean surely it's no different than requesting to opt out of sweetcorn, or onions etc...? Make the thing from scratch. Don't include the meat. Substitute with stock, or something else to bulk the meal out wherever necessary??? What on earth is the big deal???
Lots of love,
Non vegetarian.
Monday, 25 July 2011
27 Club - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
27 Club - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So apparently tons of musicians have died at age 27 including Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison and Richey James who went missing never to be found at age 27...
The latest addition to the list being Amy Winehouse.
I find this both creepy and sad. :(
Lots of love,
Rachel (Aged 27 as of writing this...)
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Lunar eclipse: stargazers treated to spectacular 'blood red' moon - Telegraph
Lunar eclipse: stargazers treated to spectacular 'blood red' moon - Telegraph
How is it that no one I know seemed to know anything about the fact there was expected to be a HUGE blood red moon eclipse thing in the sky last night?
And yet, on our way home to Old Cornforth, we saw it large and low down in the sky for a good few minutes before it completely disappeared.
But the report above said that no one really saw much in Britain anyway.... so how fortunate were we?
The blood red moon graced Old Cornforth with it's presence. Maybe nature wanted to make up for the fact that our entire street got all it's cars vandalised the other week?
Friday, 15 July 2011
Nadine Shah - rough mixes by ben hillier on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Nadine Shah - rough mixes by ben hillier on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Nadine Shah - "Aching Bones" by Nadine Shah
Alex found some 'rough mixes' from what I am presuming to be Nadine Shah's forthcoming album... or is it an e.p? (six tracks? Where's the rest?)
I'm going to hold back from what I think because I don't believe it's very respectful to comment on work which is as yet unfinished.... (Though I do want to comment quite badly.. but I wouldn't like my opinions to have any impact on the mixdown. Actually, that's a blatant lie... I would love for my suggestions to be taken on board... even so...)
The good news is that we now have the opportunity to listen to Nadine Shah in the form of something resembling studio quality... Hooray....
Nadine made one of the tracks shareable on her soundtrack....
Saturday, 9 July 2011
YouTube - Bjork - (HD)(Live)(Glastonbury 2007)(Full Concert)720p
YouTube - Bjork - (HD)(Live)(Glastonbury 2007)(Full Concert)720p: ""
Wow.... what a surreal set this was...
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Nadine Shah NSR Interview by NSRRadio on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Nadine Shah NSR Interview by NSRRadio on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
Ooooh! A Nadine Shah interview from a university radio station... Oh Nadine, when will you stop teasing us all and release that album of yours???
She makes mention of releasing an e.p on here... unfortunately I can't figure out how long ago this was!
Girl from Winter Jargon
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Free templates - html code for your website web page. Easy to use template code.
Free templates - html code for your website web page. Easy to use template code.
This is a very useful website for those wanting to learn basic html codes or needing assistance with making basic template web pages which are mouldable to suit preference. Granted, they're not the most attractive of webpages, but it isn't hard to beautify them, and to be honest, I much prefer bog standard html code when it comes to search engine optimisation.
I'm blogging this because I can never remember the web address when i need it and always search for the wrong terms. I shan't lose it this time. Hope they appreciate the link too.
Friday, 24 June 2011
Radiohead | Oxford, UK | Alternative / Indie Rock / Experimental | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation
Radiohead | Oxford, UK | Alternative / Indie Rock / Experimental | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation
After much lethargy I've decided I'm going to try again with the bootlegs project. Hooray for getting back up after getting knocked down.
I'm starting with reverbnation, which I feel might be more liberal than bandcamp... hush hush! Shhhh!
Sunday, 12 June 2011
We hope your rules and wisdom choke you.
We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope that your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope wisdom choke you. We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope rules and wisdom you choke you. We hope your rules and wisdom choke you. We hope your rules and wisdom choke you.
Saturday, 28 May 2011
in case of amnesia: a list of gigs
in case of amnesia: a list of gigs
Muse / Newcastle Metro Radio Arena / Nov 19th 2006 / Supported by The Noisettes
Muse Birmingham Arena
Roddy Woomble (with Drever, McCusker) / Durham Gala / Feb 7th 2009 / Supported by Heidi Talbot
Eels / Gateshead Sage / March 1st 2008 / No support
Thank you to Albunde for combining this list...
Helpfully, many of the gigs he attended, I also attended. So I'm stealing the list and will add notes to it (in red) and take away the ones I didn't attend etc...I think we tried to do this once on a myspace group but it got very complicated didn't it?
Tori Amos / Newcastle City Hall / June 8th 2005 / Supported by Tom McRae
Tori Amos / Manchester Apollo / July 5th 2007 / Supported by Joshua Radin
Tori Amos / Manchester Apollo / Sep 6th 2009 / Supported by One Eskimo
Tori Amos / Manchester Apollo / July 5th 2007 / Supported by Joshua Radin
Tori Amos / Manchester Apollo / Sep 6th 2009 / Supported by One Eskimo
Alanis Morisette Junkie Tour 1999
Alanis Morissette / Manchester Apollo / April 22nd 2005 / Supported by Gabriel Mann
Alanis Morissette / Birmingham Academy / June 18th 2008 / Supported by Liam Gerner
Alanis Morissette / Manchester Apollo / April 22nd 2005 / Supported by Gabriel Mann
Alanis Morissette / Birmingham Academy / June 18th 2008 / Supported by Liam Gerner
Placebo at Newcastle Academy? Find out date.
Placebo / Leeds Festival / August 25th 2006 /
Placebo / Bridlington Spa / Dec 11th 2009 / Supported by The Horrors and Silversun Pickups
Manic Street Preachers / Leeds 02 Academy / Oct 11th 2010 / Supported by British Sea Power
Placebo / Leeds Festival / August 25th 2006 /
Placebo / Bridlington Spa / Dec 11th 2009 / Supported by The Horrors and Silversun Pickups
Manic Street Preachers / Leeds 02 Academy / Oct 11th 2010 / Supported by British Sea Power
Manics at Glastonbury 2008,
manchester arena/academy
Newcastle arena
Muse / Newcastle Metro Radio Arena / Nov 19th 2006 / Supported by The Noisettes
Muse Birmingham Arena
Muse Meadowbank stadium edinburgh.
Radiohead Warrington, Victoria park 2001
Radiohead / Newcastle Metro Radio Arena / Nov 23rd 2003 / Supported by Asian Dub Foundation
Radiohead / Edinburgh Meadowbank Stadium / Aug 22nd 2006 / Supported by Deerhoof and Beck
Radiohead / Dublin 2008 / Bat for Lashes
Radiohead / Leeds Festival /August 29th 2009 /
PJ Harvey / Edinburgh Queens Hall / April 26th 2009 / Supported by Tom Brosseau
Radiohead / Dublin 2008 / Bat for Lashes
Radiohead / Leeds Festival /August 29th 2009 /
PJ Harvey / Edinburgh Queens Hall / April 26th 2009 / Supported by Tom Brosseau
I seem to remember going to see idlewild in sheffield at some point??
Idlewild / Newcastle University / March 12th 2007 / Supported by Now It's Overhead
Idlewild / Edinburgh/ 2009 /
Idlewild / Newcastle 02 Academy 2 / April 26th 2010 / Supported by Let's Buy Happiness
Idlewild / Newcastle University / March 12th 2007 / Supported by Now It's Overhead
Idlewild / Edinburgh/ 2009 /
Idlewild / Newcastle 02 Academy 2 / April 26th 2010 / Supported by Let's Buy Happiness
Oh and... supporting the pixies!!
Roddy Woomble (with Drever, McCusker) / Durham Gala / Feb 7th 2009 / Supported by Heidi Talbot
Eels / Gateshead Sage / March 1st 2008 / No support
You forgot the time biffy were supporting 100 reasons??? I think??? On that horrendous night which was totally pointless...
Biffy Clyro / Newcastle Academy / Jan 22nd 2007 / The Kerrang Tour with The Bronx, The Audition & I Am Ghost
Biffy Clyro /At glastonbury... 2007 possibly?
Bat for Lashes / Leeds University / April 11th 2009 / Supported by School of Seven Bells
Biffy Clyro / Newcastle Academy / Jan 22nd 2007 / The Kerrang Tour with The Bronx, The Audition & I Am Ghost
Biffy Clyro /At glastonbury... 2007 possibly?
Bat for Lashes / Leeds University / April 11th 2009 / Supported by School of Seven Bells
and radiohead in dublin...
Regina Spektor / Northumbria University / Feb 18th 2007 / Supported by Only Sun
Tom McRae / Newcastle Academy 2 / Dec 1st 2006 / Hotel Cafe Tour with Joe Purdy, Cary Brothers, Steve Reynolds & Jim Bianco
Tom McRae (with Tori Amos)
Damien Rice / Newcastle Metro Radio Arena / Oct 1st 2007 / Supported by Vyvienne Long
Regina Spektor / Northumbria University / Feb 18th 2007 / Supported by Only Sun
Tom McRae / Newcastle Academy 2 / Dec 1st 2006 / Hotel Cafe Tour with Joe Purdy, Cary Brothers, Steve Reynolds & Jim Bianco
Tom McRae (with Tori Amos)
Damien Rice / Newcastle Metro Radio Arena / Oct 1st 2007 / Supported by Vyvienne Long
elbow at glastonbury 2008 / Newcastle university 2003 / possibly again? a year or two later? /supporting muse at Birmingham / and this year at newcastle arena....
Elbow / Newcastle University / Nov 20th 2005 / Supported by Mew
Elbow / Newcastle Academy / April 5th 2008 / Supported by Two Gallants
Aqualung / Middlesbrough Cornerhouse / Oct 2002 / Supported by American Film Company
Elbow / Newcastle University / Nov 20th 2005 / Supported by Mew
Elbow / Newcastle Academy / April 5th 2008 / Supported by Two Gallants
Aqualung / Middlesbrough Cornerhouse / Oct 2002 / Supported by American Film Company
Aqualung at glastonbury 2007
Minuteman / Newcastle University / Nov 2002 / Supported by Medium 21 & The Rain Band
Minuteman / Newcastle University / Nov 2002 / Supported by Medium 21 & The Rain Band
Oh my goodness... I have no idea how many time i went to see this band???
Middlebrough corner house for definate.... and possibly a third time?
Pearl Jam / Leeds Festival / August 25th 2006
Skunk Anansie / Leeds 02 Academy / Nov 21st 2009 / Supported by A.Human
Skunk Anansie / Newcastle Academy / Nov 14th 2010 / Supported by The Virginmarys
Arcade Fire / Manchester Central / Dec 11th 2010 / Supported by Devendra Banhart & The Grogs
Pearl Jam / Leeds Festival / August 25th 2006
Skunk Anansie / Leeds 02 Academy / Nov 21st 2009 / Supported by A.Human
Skunk Anansie / Newcastle Academy / Nov 14th 2010 / Supported by The Virginmarys
Arcade Fire / Manchester Central / Dec 11th 2010 / Supported by Devendra Banhart & The Grogs
Arcade Fire at glastonbury 2007
Hundred Reasons / Newcastle University / March 14th 2004 / Supported by Biffy Clyro & Senses Fail Ahhhh!! Covered before... silly me. Your attention to detail here is astounding!
Turin Brakes / Middlesbrough Empire / Boro Music Live / June 6th 2010
Hundred Reasons / Newcastle University / March 14th 2004 / Supported by Biffy Clyro & Senses Fail Ahhhh!! Covered before... silly me. Your attention to detail here is astounding!
Turin Brakes / Middlesbrough Empire / Boro Music Live / June 6th 2010
Turin brakes at newcastle university... possible twice??
Nadine Shah / Support Shakespeares sister at newcastle...
Nadine Shah / Newcastle Other Rooms / Sep 4th 2010 / Transmission Festival with Brilliant Mind, Waiting for Winter & The Union Choir.
Nadine Shah / Support Shakespeares sister at newcastle...
Nadine Shah / Newcastle Other Rooms / Sep 4th 2010 / Transmission Festival with Brilliant Mind, Waiting for Winter & The Union Choir.
Shakespeare sister! at necastle academy
Glasvegas at hawick 2011
Glasvegas / Sunderland Independent / March 27th 2011 / Supported by Gillian Christie
Glasvegas / Newcastle 02 Academy / May 2nd 2011 / Supported by Ren Harvieu
Dresden Dolls / Sheffield Leadmill / May 7th 2006 / Supported by Devotchka
Dresden Dolls / Leeds Festival / August 25th 2006 /
Amanda Palmer / Edinburgh Exchange / August 24th 2005 / Supported by Lapsus Linguae
Amanda Palmer / Sheffield 02 Academy / Oct 8th 2008 / Supported by Jason Webley & Zoe Keating
Amanda Palmer / Edinburgh HMV Pciture House / Aug 22nd 2009 / Supported by Zen Zen Zo
Glasvegas / Sunderland Independent / March 27th 2011 / Supported by Gillian Christie
Glasvegas / Newcastle 02 Academy / May 2nd 2011 / Supported by Ren Harvieu
Dresden Dolls / Sheffield Leadmill / May 7th 2006 / Supported by Devotchka
Dresden Dolls / Leeds Festival / August 25th 2006 /
Amanda Palmer / Edinburgh Exchange / August 24th 2005 / Supported by Lapsus Linguae
Amanda Palmer / Sheffield 02 Academy / Oct 8th 2008 / Supported by Jason Webley & Zoe Keating
Amanda Palmer / Edinburgh HMV Pciture House / Aug 22nd 2009 / Supported by Zen Zen Zo
Amanda Palmer at glastonbury on ben folds set!!!! eeeehhhh!!! I actually almost died.
Vampire weekend
The Futureheads Stockton free thing St. Vincent - Boro free thing Levellers - glastonbury, middlesbrough town hall, newcastle university x 2 ? Stephen Fretwell - Supporting someone?? Ash - Boro festival
The Doves - Middlesbrough and hartlepool...
Ocean Colour Scene Duke Special
Leeds Festival 2006 Placebo Dresden Dolls Pearl Jam i forward russia Hope of the states - last ever gig
My chemical romance - supporting muse
The pixies at Edinburgh Meadowbank Stadium My latest novel Teenage fanclub idlewild
Leeds 2009
Yeah yeah yeahs.... Bloc Party Vampire Weekend
Who else did we go and see that day? I just remember being bored all day wanting to kill time until radiohead played...??
I really can't think of anyone else but I know for sure they'll be some obvious ones I have missed...
Villagers / Newcastle Riverside / May 11th 2011 / Supported by Michele Stodart
(Supporting Elbow newcastle arena)
Devotchka / Newcastle Academy 2 / April 7th 2008 / Supported by Basia Bolat
(supporting dresden dolls)
Ladyfest / Sep 23rd 2006 / Newcastle Academy 2 / Lots of bands with girls in them
Invocal!!! Don't forget invocal... Remind me to get you into this band!
and.... 'the research'
Okay.... and for me...
- Bootleg Beatles - Technically my first gig!
Sinead O Connor (Glastonbury and Gateshead Sage)
Belle And Sebastian (Sage)
The Strokes at Nottingham
Albert at Nottingham
Morning Runner Cluny/Boro fest/newcastle northumbria uni
The Delays boro fest/northumbria uni
Kula Shaker - Northumbria uni and nottingham???
Suzanne Vega
Tyne Theatre place newcastle
Edinburgh queens hall
Sage Gateshead
Bonjovi Gateshead Stadium many moons ago
Brian Adams
Glastonbury 2007
- The who?
- Kaiser Chiefs
- Noisettes
- Manic Street Preachers
- - featuring cardigans girl
- Amy Winehouse
Glastonbury 2008
The Levellers | Left Field | Thursday |
The London Community Gospel Choir | Acoustic Stage | Sunday |
The Automatic??
The Subways | Pyramid | Friday |
Free local festivals???
Super Furry Animals
Badly Drawn Boy
John Powers
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